MITS RECORDS IS THE QUINTESSENTIAL MIDDLE GROUND BETWEEN AN INDIE ETHOS AND A MAJOR SUPPORT SYSTEM. WE REPRESENT A FULL RANGE OF LABEL SERVICES THAT FOCUS ON FAVORING OUR ARTISTS’ CREATIVE FREEDOM.TalentMITSPresentsCONTACTRosterUpcoming AnnouncementsAll InquiriesARTIST HIGHLIGHTCongrats to MD$ for winning an Emma Gaala for Best Hiphop/RNB Album of the Year as executive producer on "Dipolmaatti by Gettomasa”VIEW MORE Sacha RudySacha Rudy is a 20 year old multi-instrumentalist, composer, and singer/songwriter hailing from Paris, France. VIEW MORETalent Lucus Sacha Rudy Maty Noyes Danny Seth MD$